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Better to Prevent Now, Than to Cure Later

Mom enjoys time in the kitchen with skills learned at SFCHC education classes

When it comes to improving the health of individuals and communities, education is key. Health education is more than improving people’s access to information. It empowers them to actively manage their own health and well-being. 

Many health problems can be caused or worsened by factors related to poverty, such as poor nutrition, unemployment, lack of housing and income insecurity. As a federally-qualified health center, SFCHC’s mission is to provide comprehensive, patient-centered health care and education to each person regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. 

Together, let’s work to combat chronic health conditions and diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and obesity. As our healthcare providers agree, it's better to prevent these health issues now, than to work to cure them later. 

To ensure you stay in the best health possible, SFCHC offers numerous health and wellness education resources: 

We want to build a trusting healthcare relationship with our patients. If you’re ready to take charge of your own health, our SFCHC team is here to help. To learn more about our health education services or schedule an appointment, please visit or call 818.963.5690.


Serving patients throughout the San Fernando Valley, the San Fernando Community Health Center (SFCHC) has been a trusted, patient-centered healthcare home for the community since 1924. Its designation as a federally-qualified health center allows it to provide state-of-the art healthcare services, prevention and education regardless of income or ability to pay. For more information, visit

Stacy Geere

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